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High Carb Foods to Avoid for Reducing Inflammation

There have been many discussions recently on the topic of carbs – are they bad for you, are they good for you?

And if so, how much carbs is healthy to consume? How do carbs work with other diseases and conditions?

Carbs are actually beneficial to our bodies, but only in limited quantities.

Consuming too many carbs can lead to chronic inflammation, which can lead to other diseases, which makes them something to be wary of constantly.

There are many low-carb diets that are intended to help you lose weight through minimizing the intake of carbs, and most of them have a list of foods to consume and foods to avoid during the time you’re dieting.

Because the list of “yes foods” and its substitutes is long, below you can find a list of foods you should avoid if you want to minimize your carbohydrates intake.

Learn more here: https://www.totalbeings.com/high-carb-foods-to-...

Source: https://youtu.be/rZzgvx2WIgo

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