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Available Fertile parrots eggs, ostrich and parrots for sale

Email- michaeparrotssupplier@gmail.com

Text Whatsapp and call (+63)9053469410

We are specialized in the breeding of birds/parrots and we sell very fertile candle lit eggs of all species of parrots.

All our eggs are collected from very healthy birds in our aviary, candle tested and

100% confirmed fertile for hatching healthy babies.

We are now taking orders from those who are interested in raising up their own baby birds from the eggs stage. its fun hatching your own baby(ies) from eggs and we will assist you in any way to hatch out your birds successfully.

We also have a number of weaned, hand fed, tamed and trained baby and adult parrots for sale. These parrots are hand fed, very sociable and have high talking capacities.

Source: https://youtu.be/F1y8R02UAWs

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